Hot Yoga

Hot Yoga
Turn Up the Heat with Humble Warrior

What Is Hot Yoga?

As the name might suggest, Hot Yoga is practiced in a heated environment, which causes students to sweat.

Preparing for Hot Yoga

Hot Yoga can utilize a variety of different styles for different purposes. The difference is that our classes are conducted in heated rooms that are roughly 100 degrees. While it may seem extreme, there are a variety of known benefits to practicing Hot Yoga. Be sure to drink plenty of water, eat light, and get ready work and sweat. But, don’t worry, you can take things at a comfortable pace that’s right for you.          

The Benefits of Hot Yoga

There are a lot of potential benefits to exercising in the intense heat.   

Sweating is an effective way of flushing toxins from the body. As your body releases fluid, it takes toxins from the skin with it. Additionally, the warmer your muscles are, the easier it is for you to settle into uncomfortable positions. This is the same principle behind warming up before rigorous activity. Since your body remains constantly warm, you’re able to push yourself deeper into poses and stretches without as much risk for injury.

Work Out

Yoga is an excellent source of exercise, since it keeps your muscles active while also promoting the flexibility needed to expand your range of motion.

Find Peace

At Humble Warrior, we believe in yoga's ability to help you find inner peace. This happens because you use excess energy while focusing your mind.

Contact Us

Interested in taking a yoga class, but you're not sure you're ready? Reach out to us and we'll help find the right schedule and teacher for you.

With Heat Also Comes Relaxation

Increased heat within the body serves to stimulate blood flow, which helps muscles heal and relax. 

Those who participate in Hot Yoga classes tend to feel thoroughly relaxed and refreshed. It’s therapeutic to just let yourself sweat it all away. 

Other Hot Yoga Benefits

Your body can also burn even more calories in an effort to compensate for the additional heat. You’ll be able to stretch further and get more results!   

If you’re ready to break out into an immediate sweat and make things happen, our Hot Yoga classes may be just the thing for you.
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